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Stepbrother: Stepbrother Seduction (Stepbrother Obsessions Book 1) Page 4

  She had flaunted her new looks in front of him all day but hadn’t said a word or made a move. She had wanted to build the tension, make him think about her all day. Hopefully it worked, and it was all coming down to this moment as she walked up to all of them, the cold wind blowing her hair back behind her.

  Everyone went silent and stared at her as the crowd parted. She felt super confident as she looked straight into his shocked baby blues. But she saw something else there, a pleading as he slightly shook his head. It was too late, though. Her decision had been made. “Would you mind giving me a ride home, Danny? It’s awfully cold out, and I forgot my coat.” She blinked a few times, waiting for some kind of response.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say anything to this freak, Danny?” Sarah asked with her hands on her hips, glaring straight at Tanya. How was she still a freak even though she looked like them? Funny how that worked. How did these people decide who were freaks and who were worthy of their time?

  Danny got out of the car with an apologetic smile that was slowly turning into a sneer as he approached Tanya. “So you think,” he began, getting right up against her and forcing her to back up. “That you can just come over here with some new clothes and a sweet little voice and instantly become one of us?” She closed her eyes in surprise and fear at the harshness of his voice, the hardness of his face. She couldn’t watch this scene unfold. It hurt too much. “You have lost your mind, and you’re more of a freak then we all thought. Let me make this clear. You are a loser. You don’t fit in here, and you never will. Now go take that shit off. You look ridiculous.”

  He went back over to his car, and the crowed whooped and clapped and laughed. She turned on her heel and ran over to Lauren. “C’mon,” Lauren said. I’ll get my mom to give you a ride home.” They walked over to an old Mustang past the buses and got in. Tanya wiped at the tears falling from her eyes and was glad she couldn’t see Danny or his car from where she was sitting.

  When she got home she ran straight to her room, acknowledging nothing and no one. Not that it mattered because from the empty driveway it seemed that no one was home yet. She fell down to her bed and curled up in a ball, holding her knees. She knew that she was 18 years old and shouldn’t be reacting that way. Big girls don’t cry and all that, right? But it just hurt after everything she’d done for him. And now he was tearing her down in front of his friends and his girlfriend again. His girlfriend! What had she been thinking, anyway, getting involved with her step brother? What was it about men that made girls act like idiots?

  She heard the front door open and close but ignored it, assuming it was her stepfather coming home from work. But as her door knob turned and the door to her room clicked open, she stood up and tried to wipe off her face, causing her makeup to smear. It was Danny. How dare he?

  As he came into her room, she ran up to him with her fists clenched, ready to cause harm. But he just grabbed her with all his football player strength and held her to him until she stopped thrashing, shushing her like a baby. She began to cry into his chest all over again, not being able to hold it back anymore.

  He pulled her away to look at her and she saw that his eyes had changed again, and he was sorry. But was sorry good enough. “God, you’re so sexy when you cry,” he said pulling her in close to him again, squeezing her tight like he was afraid she would escape. “I hate that I had to do that. I don’t want to do that again.”

  “Then don’t,” she whimpered into his chest, shaking her head. “Don’t do that ever again.”

  “Okay, Tanya, okay. I’ll break up with Sarah for you. I was going to anyway. She’s too immature for me. I’ll just walk around single, and when we’re alone I’ll be yours. Is that okay?”

  She gasped at the thought. Could she trust him to do that, and could they pull it off? She nodded into him, knowing there was no other option for them. She couldn’t handle the pain of seeing them together anymore.

  He led her over to the bed, and they lay down, just holding each other. “I’m so sorry, Tanya. How about I make it up to you with a date, a real one. I’m supposed to go out this weekend with some of my buddies that graduated last year. Come with me as my date. Please.”

  Tanya heard and felt the apology and desperation in his voice. There was no saying no to that. She couldn’t wait to find out what it felt like to be with him out in the open. “Yes, I’ll go.” She smiled to herself through the tears and closed her eyes, relaxing against his chest.

  Chapter 8

  “I think it’s so nice that the two of you are getting along with each other.” Tanya’s mother smiled down at her, and Tanya rolled her eyes. If only she knew.

  “I’m gonna go get ready for the movie, Mom. Don’t wanna be late.” Tanya went into her bedroom and slipped on what she’d set out the night before. The story for her parents was that Danny was taking her and Quinn to the movies with him and his friends. The truth, however, differed. With Danny’s permission, she’d had to fill Quinn in on the situation. It was actually a relief to tell somebody about it, but Quinn had been just a little disappointed. Probably because she had a crush on Danny. But she was pretty supportive considering.

  They were actually taking Quinn with them downtown to hang out with his college buddies. Tanya could hardly mask her excitement as she looked at herself in the mirror. She’d kept it simple with some black tights and a black dress. She’d put on her typical black eyeliner but nothing else. She didn’t want to embarrass him in front of his friends, but she also wanted to feel somewhat like herself.

  “Wow, you look smoking!” Quinn teased as she bumped her to the side so she could see in the mirror. Quinn had opted for some black leggings and pink leg warmers, looking like the 80s had thrown up all over her. But somehow Quinn always pulled all those crazy looks off.

  “Thanks, you don’t look too shabby yourself. So, are you ready to go? You know you don’t have to do this for me. I can tell him we have to wait until you’re home…”

  Quinn put her hand up to stop Tanya from talking. “Chill, Tanya. It’s okay. I can tell you really like this guy, and I’m happy for you. In fact, I think it’s a good thing. I know you were really bummed when you had to leave Tim, and I also know he hasn’t exactly been on his best behavior since you left. I never said it before because I didn’t think you could handle hearing it. But I think it’s time to move on from Tim. He was never for you anyway.”

  Tanya nodded and slumped a little as she listened to her friend dissing the first boy she’d ever loved. “So, he was with that stupid poser chick, wasn’t he?” she asked with a soft voice.

  Quinn pursed her lips and shook her head. “Look, I don’t know all the details, but I know what I saw not just after you left but even before. I don’t think he’s ever been as into you as you were into him. But guess what? It doesn’t matter now. You have this new thing with Danny, and it’s going to be different and exciting. So, you focus on that and not the past. Got it?”

  Tanya smiled and hugged Quinn. “Got it! Now let’s get out of here.”

  Tanya and Quinn walked out into the living room to see Danny waiting out there with his keys in hand. He looked amazing, like he had stepped out of a dream. He had on a studded jacket and tight black jeans. His hair was slicked back. She looked at him and smiled, trying not to make anything look suspicious to her parents. He gave her a secret wink, and she saw his eyes take a quick drag up and down her body. She couldn’t remember Tim or anyone ever looking at her quite that way, and it felt great.

  “You guys ready?” he asked, feigning boredom as they approached. The girls looked at each other and nodded before heading out to the garage with him.

  “Have fun, you three!” Tanya heard her mother call after them. She planned on having plenty of fun; that was for sure.


  “Quinn, can you give Tanya and me a moment, please? Go and introduce yourself, and we’ll be right there.” Danny looked at Quinn through the rearview mirror as Tanya let her out of the car by pu
lling her seat up. Quinn smiled and nodded, marching over to the group of guys standing outside of the old theatre they had parked in front of.

  Danny got out of the car and led Tanya off to the alley on the side of the building and took her hand, pulling her to him for a kiss. “What do you need to talk about?” Tanya smiled up at him as they pulled away, her hands intertwined with his.

  “Well, I wanted to ask a favor of you. I know you understand how important it is that Mom and Dad do not find out that we’re together. So, if you could just be somebody else today, think up a new name, I’d appreciate it.” He said it politely, but there was a strange feeling that Tanya had about the suggestion.

  “Are you embarrassed or something?” she asked, feeling a little hurt.

  “No, of course not.” Danny ran his finger up and down her cheek. “I could never be embarrassed of something I love.” He smiled down at her, and he eyes went wide with surprise.

  “Love?” she whispered.

  Danny nodded and crashed his lips over hers before continuing. “Yes, and that’s why I can’t let Mom and Dad come between us. Just don’t tell anyone you’re my sister, and don’t use your real name so they won’t put two and two together. No big deal.”

  She nodded. “Just call me Lola, then.”

  “Oooh, Lola sounds hot. It’s perfect.” She bit her lip as he ran his hand up her leg, just under her dress. “C’mon, let’s go meet my friends, Lola.”

  She threw back her head in a laugh and let him lead her over to the group of friends who were passing around what appeared to be bottles of soda, but as she got closer, she realized the color was wrong. They were hiding alcohol inside of soda bottles. Quinn had one of them in her hand, taking a few sips.

  Tanya shot her friend a look, and Quinn leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I’m only having a few sips, don’t worry. It’s not like I’ve never had a drink before.” Tanya sighed and hoped she was right.

  Danny introduced her as his girlfriend, and it felt great to be out in the open like that. But as the night wore on, Tanya felt a little strange. For the most part, Danny was on his best behavior, but his friends were not. They drank the whole time and vandalized at least three different buildings. The whole time Danny was reassuring her that he wouldn’t let her get in trouble, that it was no big deal, just fun. Quinn even seemed to be having a good time; laughing and hanging all over one of the older boys. So, she let it go, not wanting to look like some kind of stiff.

  “Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m up for a little alone time,” Danny whispered into her ear, making her have chills down her spine.

  “What about Quinn?” Tanya asked, glancing over at her friend. Quinn was still laughing and going on with the rest of the guys.

  “She’ll be fine. We’ll be back before you know it. C’mon.” Danny led her across the street to an old motel, and she watched as he slipped by a guy and grabbed his card from his pocket on his way out. Danny led her to the room number that was on the card and made sure the coast was clear before pulling her inside.

  “You’re such a bad boy, Danny,” she teased, and he chuckled. The room was dark, and she could barely see him, but she could feel that he was close as his warm breath tickled her face.

  “Yes, I am. Are you going to be my naughty girl?”

  Chapter 9

  Tanya landed hard on the bed before she could process what was happening, and she felt her hands being held above her, her breath coming in gasps. “Do you like this?” Danny asked her. “I won’t hurt you.”

  She relaxed a little and nodded into him as his body trapped the rest of her. Of course he wouldn’t hurt her. He yanked her dress up, uncovering her stomach, and she arched her back as he began kissing downward to the top of her tights. He clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Well these just won’t do,” he chuckled before ripping them off of her and throwing them to the floor.

  She felt his hand move away from her arms and down her body before landing in her panties, pulling them down into the floor as well. He picked up her legs and spread them, placing himself in between them. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark a bit, and she could see his blue eyes for a second before he slipped his head down and slid his tongue down her swollen lips. She gasped as his tongue slid inside her slick center, moving in and out.

  Her fists grabbed the bed sheets, wadding them up in her hands as she rocked her hips in rhythm with his tongue. She wanted more. She reached out and grabbed at his curly hair, mussing it and pulling at it. “Mmmm,” he said, pulling his head up and looking at her. He began crawling up towards her and then grabbed her and pushed her over onto her stomach. He tugged at her hips so that her bare ass was in the air, and he gave it a small spank before following up with a hard one, leaving a handprint on her.

  Then, he wadded up pieces of her hair in his left hand and pulled back like reigns, bringing her up on all fours. She heard him use his other hand to unzip his pants, and her center began to ache at the thought. She couldn’t wait much longer or she was going to scream. The way she wanted him was excruciating.

  Then, with a grunt, he entered her, his whole shaft tearing through at once. Then, he pulled back and did it all over again, banging her hard but slow. Her center became wetter with each thrust, and she let out a loud moan. She felt him let go of her hair, and his short nails raked down her back to latch on to her hips, using them as leverage. He thrust deep and hard, his nails digging in deep as their bodies slapped together. “Danny!” she called out, feeling her center begin to squeeze around him and quiver.

  “Tanya!” he called out as he began to pulse as well, grunting as he released at the same time. He turned her over on her back again and pulled out as they looked into each other’s eyes for just a moment.

  “Danny, I love you too,” she whispered, knowing she should have said it earlier. He patted her leg and got up. They needed to get out of there before they got caught. When they came out of the room, they found the guy standing not too far away, and he began screaming and chasing after them. With a laugh, they took off down back across the street to his car where they found Quinn placed in the passenger seat.

  Her hair was in a bit of disarray, and she was snoring. “It looks like your friend has had a bit much to drink. We better get home,” Danny suggested with a sheepish smile. Tanya looked down at her friend with concern, not knowing what to think. It wasn’t like Quinn to behave like that, to get so drunk that she passed out. She’d have to talk to her about it in the morning. For now, they had to find a way to get her in the backseat and then back to the house with disturbing their parents. “Push the seats up for me; I think I can get her back there, okay.”

  Tanya nodded and did as Danny said. He got her into the backseat the best he could and buckled her in before climbing in himself. “Did you have a good time at least?” he asked as he started the engine. She smiled at him and nodded before teasing him by sliding her hand up his leg. “Oh, what am I going to do with my naughty little sister?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and a sly grin before heading back onto the highway on their way home.

  When they got there, they snuck Quinn in through the back door, and luckily, their parents were already in bed. They laid Quinn down in the bed, and Danny invited Tanya into his bedroom. “Are you sure?” she asked, peaking around the corner at the door to their parents’ room. But Danny just nodded and held the door open for her. She looked around and saw there were a ton of posters covering the walls so that she had no idea what color the actual wall was painted underneath. There were bands from all eras like The Sex Pistols and My Chemical Romance as well as pictures of football players in the middle of games.

  “Nice room,” she complimented before sitting down on the bed.

  “Well, I’m glad you like it,” he retorted, falling down on his back next to her and putting his hands behind his head. “I thought you might. You know, it’s hard sometimes to hide who I am and what I like.”

  “Then, why do you do it?” she asked, still m
esmerized by what his room revealed about him. He was obviously living two different lives. He had two completely different sets of friends. He kept so many secrets. She wasn’t sure how he did it.

  “Honestly, because as much as I hate it, I hate being disliked more, especially when it comes to football. It’s hard because the guys can be so cruel. They’ll make my life hell if they think for one second I’m not one of them. It’s exhausting, but it’s something I have to do for now. Then, I’ll get a college scholarship and maybe impress a scout enough to get a real job. Then, it won’t matter anymore. Adults can be themselves. I can listen to the music I want, wear what I want, and even marry who I want.” When he said the last part, his leg rubbed up against her and a tingle went through her body. Did he mean her? What a crazy idea that would be. But somehow it also sounded amazing.

  She lay back against the bed next to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Before she could turn back over, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her to him again, kissing her passionately on the lips. “I’m glad I can be myself around you, Tanya,” he whispered as he pulled away.

  Chapter 10

  “So, what happened last night?” Tanya asked Quinn as she flipped through channels on the television in her room. “I was worried about you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Quinn snapped back, sounding a little irritated. Tanya supposed that was typical behavior for someone with a hangover. “I’m fine, just tired and sore. Those guys were kind of jerks. Where did you and Danny run off to?” Quinn asked, changing the subject.

  Tanya blushed thinking about it. “He took me over to the hotel, and we borrowed somebody’s room.” She tried to shrug it off but couldn’t keep from smiling.