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Stepbrother: Stepbrother Seduction (Stepbrother Obsessions Book 1) Page 2

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. We don’t really get along.” Tanya kept watching the jocks and cheerleaders that were hanging around the car. The girls were hanging all over him, and she could see the other guys were jealous. But there was one girl that stood out to her, the freckled girl from her first period. Her hands were trailing all over Danny like a slithering snake. Was she his girlfriend?

  Tanya shook off the thought, realizing it really shouldn’t matter and decided just to suck it up and take Lauren’s advice. What was the worst that could happen?

  “Hey, Danny?” she asked, parting the crowd around him with ease. It’s like they thought she had some kind of catching disease like leprosy. “Is there any way I can get a ride home from school? I have a lot of work to do to catch up and….”

  She was cut off by Ms. Freckles. “Who the hell are you?” The girl popped her gum and twirled her hair around her finger practically guaranteeing split ends.

  “I’m his…”

  “She’s nobody, babe,” Danny said, cutting her off. Tanya looked between the two of them in shock. She wouldn’t have been surprised to get a no from him, but she didn’t know he was taking the whole reputation thing that far. “She’s just a wannabe.” He shook his head and motioned for her to go with his head. But she just crossed her arms and hung around. If he was going to be an ass, then she was going to give him as much grief as possible.

  “A wannabe freak,” the girl added with an evil grin that made her look a bit like the Cheshire cat.

  The whole group broke out in laughter and began calling her various names and telling her to go. She was getting heckled in a high school parking lot. These people were about to be adults, really? She just shook her head and walked back over to Lauren who had a sheepish smile on her face.

  “I’m sorry, Tanya, I really didn’t know it would be that bad.”

  “Don’t sweat it, but hey, I better get going if I’m going to make it home at any point tonight. It looks like I’ll be walking.” Tanya sighed and turned to walk away, hoping she’d be able to find her way home. She’d only lived there for three days, but thankfully, she’d paid attention on the way that morning when her mother had dropped her off.

  She pulled on the leather men’s coat she’d brought with her just in case, knowing that it looked ridiculous but also that she needed it considering it was still below freezing and snowy. She felt her nose and cheeks getting red and sniffly as she crossed the street and walked through a neighborhood on the other side.

  Just a few moments later she heard a car coming, revving its engine like some hot rod was driving. And from what she’d seen so far of the area, it was probably pretty accurate. But then she heard her name in a familiar voice. She looked to her left and slowed down but didn’t stop walking. She wasn’t in the mood. Danny was there in his expensive car with the window rolled down.

  “C’mon, get in the car. It’s way too cold to walk.” Now she did stop, and looked at him like he had lost his mind.

  “You’re kidding me right? You just cut me down in front of your pin headed friends and told them I was no one and let your girlfriend call me a freak. Now, you’re going to offer me a ride home when there’s no one around? I don’t think so buddy. Move along. There’s probably needles in the passenger seat or something for me to sit on.” She shook her hair and started walking again, trying not to react as the cold wind hit her painfully. She couldn’t outrun his car, though.

  “Mom and Dad will absolutely kill me if I let you walk home in this and catch pneumonia. I would kind of like to live, and I think you do too. So, just get in the car.” She stopped and looked at him, gauging the situation. She very well could get sick considering what she was wearing, and she didn’t want to cause trouble for him and thus cause trouble at home.

  She huffed and jumped in the car, slamming the door. Then, she looked around for any sings that someone might pop out and put a blindfold on her. “Don’t look so freaked out. I don’t bite…usually,” he joked, and she rolled her eyes, unable to resist a smile. “Oh look, the ice queen does have feelings.”

  She glared at him for that one, and he threw his hands up in surrender, taking off down the road. Tanya turned the vents towards her, letting the heater warm her. She hadn’t realized just how cold she was. “So, is that your boyfriend’s jacket?” Danny probed as they stopped at a red light.

  Tanya nodded. “I know it looks silly, but it’s the warmest thing I have. Despite popular belief, Portland doesn’t get this cold that often.” She wrinkled her nose in annoyance as she looked down at herself.

  “It works on you.” Had her step brother just given her a compliment? He couldn’t get over this guy; constantly going back and forth like that. “What a lucky guy.” That part he said under his breath as he took off from the light as it turned green, and she blushed but said nothing. She was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to hear it.

  They stayed silent as they made their way home in the afternoon traffic which was awfully poor for a suburban town. Then, just before they turned onto their street, another sports car, a red one, cut them off, and Danny had to slam on the breaks. He reached across to her seat to hold her back, protect her, shooting the bird to the car that cut them off.

  As they pulled up to their house, his hand was still on her and had slid down to her thigh. She hadn’t really noticed until the car stopped. She looked down at his hand, and he mirrored the action. It was like he thought his hand had betrayed him or something. Then, she put her hand on his and slowly moved it off, feeling strange as the warmth left her. It was like coming out of a trance when he cleared his throat and lifted his head up. “Let’s get inside,” he whispered, popping the door open for her from the inside. She held her breath at his closeness yet again and then rushed inside, telling herself that it was too cold to be a straggler.

  She went straight down the hall and to her room, not wanting to be stopped by anyone or have to face the strange feelings that she wasn’t sure about when it came to Danny. She pulled out her laptop; custom designed with a skull and cross bones on top, and brought up Skype. She was hoping to catch her boyfriend for once.

  They had been together for two years; her and Tim. And that’s why she hadn’t broken up with him just because of the distance. He wanted to be an architect and had discussed going to college with her, so why dump him over a few months of separation.

  When she pulled it up, she could see that he was offline but had left her a video message. At least that was something. She pulled it up and smiled at his white t-shirt, his brown eyes, and his black faux hawk. “Hey, Tanya,” the message began, “I guess I missed you. It’s only been three days, and it’s already been tough here without you. Everyone misses you, even my mom! Anyway, I’m headed out with the guys to do a little skate boarding downtown, and I wanted to say hello before I go.”

  She smiled to herself as she watched, but the video wasn’t over. She heard a familiar voice in the background. It was Mandy, a poser girl who used to date one of Tim’s friends. “I thought you were going to give me skate boarding lessons,” Tanya heard the girl’s voice say in a sultry manner before the video cut off. Yeah, he was really going out to skate board with the “guys”, wasn’t he?

  She slammed her laptop shut and grabbed her messenger bag, pulling it onto the bed and dumping it out. It was time to get to work.

  Chapter 4

  “Are you sure that you don’t want to wait until the weekend where we can have a big thing. Maybe Dad can come down and your friend, whatershername, you know, Quinn?” Tanya looked at her mother who was about to cut everyone a piece of cake before dinner. Everyone only included the immediate family and Lauren; the only friend she had made before her birthday rolled around that Thursday. In her mother’s defense, it was date night, so her, Danny and Lauren would be eating pizza when it arrived.

  “Mom, you know Dad isn’t going to come here for my birthday. He’ll just send me a gift card with a lot of money on it, which I’m fin
e with. I’ll take Lauren shopping with me this weekend. And no way is Quinn flying here on a school night. She’s still in her junior year, remember? She was held back because she broke her leg and missed a lot of school sophomore year.”

  Her mother nodded along, but Tanya knew that she was only hearing half of it. Thank goodness Lauren was up in her room to save her the embarrassment. Her mom had been a little out of it ever since she had fallen in love with the guy that was now Tanya’s stepfather. She had caught her mother talking once about how he made her feel like a teenager again. It was nice hat her mother had found someone to replace her jerk of a father, but she didn’t need the details.

  “Oh, okay, darling. If you’re sure.” Her mother handed her two plates with cake on it. It was an ice cream cake that she had asked for; the best kind of birthday cake of course. “Have fun, darling, we’ll see you later!” her mother called as she walked down the hallway. Then, Tanya heard the door slam behind her parents, so she shut her own door and turned up some music. She picked some old school rock like Alice Cooper and Pink Floyd, hoping to make Lauren feel a little more at home. Apparently, her parents were like super hippies and druggies in the 60s and 70s, and that’s where she got her style from.

  It was a quiet night, just getting to know more about Lauren, and then Lauren went home. She had a curfew of eight thirty on school nights, which kind of sucked. But Tanya used the time to make a couple of important phone calls, starting with her boyfriend, Tim.

  The phone just rang and rang, though, eventually going to voicemail. After the third try, she just threw the phone down on the bed, rethinking the whole not breaking up with him thing. He was probably cozied up to that poser girl by now, laughing at how he didn’t even call Tanya on her birthday.

  Tanya picked the phone back up and dialed Quinn’s number, sure she could count on her. Sure enough, Quinn answered on the second ring with, “Happy birthday!”

  “Oh my god, thank you, Quinn. I needed to hear that.”

  “Oh, is it really that bad?” Tanya could almost hear the pout in her best friend’s voice and smiled, thinking about her bottom lip again.

  “Kind of, yeah. My only friend here already went home, the ‘rents are out, and I haven’t seen Danny at all. Not that I want to.” She added the last part, mostly to convince herself. But that’s when a knock came at the door. “Hey, Quinn, I’ll call you back in a few. Someone’s at my door. It could be Mom back early or something.

  “Okay cool.” Tanya hung up her cell and walked over to the door with caution before pulling it open to find Danny standing there, looking a bit unlike himself. In his hand was a piece of pizza with a burning birthday candle in it; a black one.

  “Happy birthday,” he said with a sly half smile, and she decided to let him in her room and closed the door, wondering what he wanted. She walked past him and sat down on the bed, but he followed her with a questioning look. “Aren’t you going to make a wish?” He looked amused, so she leaned in cautiously and then closed her eyes, blowing out the candle. Before she could open her eyes again, Danny’s lips were on hers. It took some time for her brain to compute that her step brother was kissing her, and she pulled away, looking at him with surprise.

  “What the hell was that?” she asked him as he set the pizza down on the bed. She looked him up and down to see that he had a little bit of black eyeliner on, some sweatpants, and a tight band tee shirt that said Black Veil Brides on it; one of her favorite bands. He was suddenly painting a whole different picture for her, and she wasn’t sure if this is what he was like in secret or if he was being creepy. “What’s up with the outfit?” she asked it softer, biting her bottom lip.

  He looked down like he couldn’t remember what he had on. “Oh, do you not like it? I’d be happy to take it off.” Danny smiled, his hair falling down over one eye, and before she knew it he was pulling his shirt over his head. She reached her hand out to stop him, but he caught it in his hand, squeezing her wrist for a second. She looked up at his suddenly serious expression and was mesmerized. Then, he spread her fingers and used her hand to trace his slim but muscular chest, his eyes staying on her the whole time.

  She felt her whole body getting fuzzy and warm like the time her father let her have a wine cooler, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. The silence was like deafening static on a broken television as her hand ended up down past his belly button touching the line of hair that continued down below his pants. She was surprised to discover that her breathing was heavy. Then, he brought her hand back up to his mouth and kissed every fingertip.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, almost inaudibly.

  “Shhh,” he responded, and she obliged as he brought her hand around his neck and then the other. Then, something shifted in him, and her as well, and he yanked her forward with his neck and kissed her hard on the lips. Her mind went blank, only knowing his hard lips, his sculpted warm body against hers in that cold room.

  Danny’s hands wondered up and down her body before yanking her shirt over her head and unclasping her bra with just the swipe of his hand. Her C-cup breasts came springing out, and there was no turning back. He held them in his hands, beginning to massage them as he kissed down her neck and then up to her earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. She gasped at the feeling as he flicked it with his tongue. It was so pleasurable and sensual; it surprised her that they didn’t have to be having sex for it to feel orgasmic.

  Then, his hands went south, unbuttoning her black jeans and sliding them down. There was no time to think or feel self-conscious as her panties slid down with them. He lowered her down onto the bed and ran his finger up and down her whole body, making her shiver. And he slid his pants down revealing his hard shaft. She looked up from there at his lean and muscular body all the way up to his blue eyes which were coated with lust all for her.

  Tanya reached out to him, wanting to know what it would feel like for him to be inside her and what it would be like to belong to a guy who everyone thought was a god.

  He spread her legs violently and scooted in between them, looking down at her one more time before licking down from her belly button and across her clit and sliding his tongue in and out of her wet center. Then he licked back up and landed on her ear again. “Happy birthday,” he whispered into her ear before he slid his girth inside of her.

  She gasped and arched her back as he bit her ear at the same time that he plunged himself deeper inside her then pulled back only to slam into her once again. She hiked her legs up and wrapped them around him, squeezing his body. He moaned as she did that, giving him better access.

  “You’re so tight,” he grunted out as he began to thrust harder. All she could do was moan and reach out for him, scratching at his chest. He picked up her arms again and wrapped them around his neck as he lowered himself to her. She clawed at his neck, causing him to arch his back. She watched his eyes close and wanted to beg him to open them again.

  Then, she felt her legs begin to shake. “Yes,” he coaxed her as the shaking and quivering moved all the way down her body and into her wet center, squeezing around his cock. She moaned as he screamed, “Yes, yes! Shit!” And he collapsed on top of her after reaching climax himself.

  Chapter 5

  The football game was just minutes from the end, and it had been a doozy. Instead of sitting with her parents, Tanya had found a spot among the other students along with Lauren. They sat near the front so that if Danny looked up, he could see her cheering him on. The cheerleaders kept looking back at her, particularly the one with the freckles, and she was about ready to tackle her. But she held back, knowing what she was there for. He had personally invited her, or at least that was how she understood it, and she couldn’t get the night before out of her head.

  As she watched him on the field, helping his team, their team, win, her body was craving his touch again. Part of her felt like the night before might have been a really screwed up dream, and it was driving her crazy. She needed confirmation that it was r

  The team won, and she jumped up and screamed and cheered until her lungs hurt. She watched the teams slap hands in respect of the win, and then their team ran towards the locker room to get changed. Tanya watched as Danny stopped at the cheerleaders, and she was hoping he’d acknowledge her in some way. But she felt horrified when he dipped down to whisper something in Ms. Freckles’ ear that made her giggle and get all over him, but as he embraced her he looked right up at Tanya with those baby blues. All was right in the world, suddenly, and she could tell he was letting her know somehow that they had really done that. That he appreciated her being there.

  She saw him mouth the word “phone” before he disappeared with the rest of the team. She glanced sideways at Lauren who was already calling her parents to come get her; it figured. Lauren wasn’t really the type to stick around and celebrate or socialize. It wouldn’t normally bother Tanya, but she wanted to talk to someone about what was going on with Danny. Not that Lauren seemed the type to know a lot about guys, but it was still someone.

  Tanya pulled out her phone and looked at a text that had been sent from Danny just seconds before. She stared at it for a second, trying to process.

  Party at 235 Sage St. Be there.

  It was kind of coming off like an order, and after the way he’d interacted with that cheerleader she was a little confused. Was she going as his date, his sister, or his anything for that matter? Plus, she wasn’t the type to go to wild jock parties. She’d been to some raves and things like that back in Portland but nothing where there were popular people and the possibility of alcohol and sin and all that. She felt a little bit like she was in some 90s romantic comedy.

  She looked over to Lauren who was off the phone now and thought about inviting her but then thought better of it. She was grateful for her friendship, but she figured she’d get more time to figure out what this thing was with Danny if she went alone. So, instead, she decided to ride home with her parents and then borrow her mother’s old Toyota to go to the party.